F ireSmart Nova Scotia is designed to help Nova Scotians reduce their wildfire risk and increase wildfire resilience. The program is directed by the FireSmart Nova Scotia Committee, which is comprised of multiple agencies within the province responsible for fire management.
Programs available in Nova Scotia
Blank to start everything collapsed
Neighbourhood Recognition Program
Bear River, Nova Scotia’s First Recognized FireSmart Neighborhood!
Advanced FireSmart Home Assessment Program
the Advanced Home Assessment is a voluntary property assessment program available in the Halifax Regional Municipality. Conducted by formally trained fire service professionals, the assessment helps residents identify specific actions and upgrades they can take on their property to reduce wildfire risks.
The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq also conducts these assessments in Indigenous communities.
Schedule your Assessment today!
If you’re outside of the Halifax regional municipality and are interested in a home assessment, please contact your provincial FireSmart Liaison, Ken Cox.
Provincial Liaison
Ken Cox
Position: Wildfire Prevention Officer
Organization: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 902-220-3135
Ken is a graduate from the Maritime Forest Ranger School in Fredericton New Brunswick. After graduating, he spent 22 years working in Alberta, 10 of those years were in Land/Forest Management and 12 were with Wildfire Management in both Operations and Prevention Technologists roles. He came back to Nova Scotia in 2020 where he worked as a District Forestry Technologist with the NS Department of Natural Resources until taking the current Wildfire Prevention Officer position in August of 2024.